Superfood Salad
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Superfood Salad

  Superfood salad with black rice, butternut squash, sweet potato, cranberries, goji berries, sunflower and pumpkin seeds Over the past few months, I have met so many people on different restrictive diets. I know there are many people out there who cannot eat wheat, gluten, dairy, meat, yeast or sugar and others who simply choose…

Metabolism Boosters
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Metabolism Boosters

Here are some foods that can help boost metabolism: Salmon Almonds Cold Water Spinach Turkey Cinnamon Oatmeal Hot peppers Green Tea Blueberries Yogurt Curry Coffee Ginger If you are interested in boosting your metabolism, maybe try eating meals that incorporate these foods. For example, start your day off with a cup of coffee and have…

Let’s examine the pros and cons of The Paleo Diet.
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Let’s examine the pros and cons of The Paleo Diet.

Unless you’ve been living in an actual cave, you’ve probably heard all about the Paleo diet or the “caveman” diet. Perhaps you’ve tried it. But is this diet healthy and does it actually work? The Paleo diet is based on two main ideas. The first idea is that we’ve adapted to eat certain kinds of…