
Scoliosis usually occurs during a growth spurt prior to puberty. This condition creates a sideways curvature of the spine. Many conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy can cause scoliosis, however, this is not typically the cause for most individuals with this condition.

Although most cases are mild, occasionally children will develop deformities of the spine that continue to become more severe as they grow. This condition can be disabling when it is classified as severe. A severe spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the person’s chest which would make it difficult for the lungs to function normally.

A case of mild scoliosis is typically monitored closely. Doctors tend to use X-rays to see if the curve is becoming worse. Most cases of scoliosis don’t require any treatment. However, some children need to wear a brace in order to stop the curve from getting worse. Occasionally, surgery is needed to keep the scoliosis at by and straighten the spine in severe cases.

Signs and symptoms of scoliosis include:

  • Uneven shoulders
  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
  • Uneven waist
  • One hip higher than the other

When the curve gets worse, the spine rotates or twists as well as curves from side to side. This can cause the rids on one side of the body to become more prominent than the other side. Severe scoliosis can cause back pain as well as difficulty breathing.

If you notice signs or symptoms of scoliosis, you should make an appointment with your doctor. However, mild curves typically happen without the parent or child knowing, as it comes on gradually and typically doesn’t cause any pain.

Mayo Clinic (2014). Scoliosis.