Muscle Strains

When a muscle or tendon is damaged, it is often referred to as a muscle strain, pull or tear. Unnecessary pressure is typically put onto muscles through the course of a day as we are constantly lifting heavy things, playing sports and performing work tasks. When a muscle is torn, there is typically also damage to the small blood vessels, which can cause bruising and pain.

Symptoms of a muscle strain include:
• Swelling, bruising, redness or open cuts due to an injury
• Pain when at rest
• Pain when the specific muscle is used
• Weakness of the muscle or tendons
• Inability to use the muscle

If you have a muscle injury and have been caring for it diligently for 24 hours with no improvement, you should call your doctor. It is important to seek immediate medical care if you heard a “popping” or “cracking” sound when the injury occurred, cannot walk or if there is a significant amount of swelling, pain, fever, or open cuts.

Muscle strains are relatively simple to take care of at home. It is important to apply ice to the injury and to keep the strained muscle in a stretched position. Once the swelling has gone down, heat can be applied. Treatment also includes over-the-counter pain relievers.

Web MD (2014). Muscle Strains.